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Implementing A Business Continuity Planning System

Policy, framework, BIA, risk assessment, strategies, plan.

Needhams has over 26 years experience of resilience and business continuity planning, the bedrock of which is the plan itself.

We follow the Business Continuity Management System process to develop meaningful and pragmatic plans that are reliable and dependable.

How we can help you


Our perspective is that plans are a mental handrail to guide thinking in a crisis.

Underpinning the plan, we conduct a thorough risk assessment using some innovative means of analysis that make the risk assessment far more realistic and pertinent.

The Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is similarly concise and focused on the business-critical activities that are fundamental to the organisation’s survival.

Plans should be simple, clear and easy to use. We favour bullet points and diagrams as opposed to large chunks of prose, together with some checklists where they are useful for specific issues.


Supporting these plans, we also offer a comprehensive annex library which contains all the crisis management documents and operations boards that you need to record and manage the event.

Our plans are always aligned to ISO 22301 and even if you do not want to be audited to this standard it provides a reassurance to clients that the plans are of an appropriate degree of sophistication.

Diagram of the planning process:

M_Business Continuity chart – 1@2x.png
Business Continuity chart@2x.png
Business Consultation

Please get in touch to find out how we can help you

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